Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Whenever I hear someone say they are "doing God's work", I have to wonder what they mean.
If there is a God, that God is intrinsically linked to All Things.
There is no Separation.
Every action, thought, feeling, random occurrence, ionic pole reversal of an atom, eyelash falling out, galaxy collapse, trip and fall, sandwich made, EVERYTHING, is God Happening.
There can be NO THING, which is NOT God.
And no ACTION, that is not God's work.
Because, God is responsible for everything that happens, nothing left out.
So, when you are giving to charity,
you are doing God's Work.
When you give change to a homeless man,
or help a lost child find their parent in a shopping mall,
you are doing God's Work.
When you shoplift,
or deface property,
You are ALSO doing God's work.
When you expose your erect penis,
to a group of children on a field trip,
or beat your mother,
with a bowling trophy,
you ARE doing God's Work.
When you shoot a junkie prostitute up with amphetamines,
fuck her ass,
and slit her throat,
timing it ever-so-perfectly
so that her death rattle makes you come,
you are, truly, doing God's Work.
When you kidnap your neighbor's cat,
nail its paws to a board,
and skin it alive,
leaving the slumped wet carcass,
still nailed,
on their doorstep,
and the sounds of its tortured screams,
on their answering machine,
You, are being God in Action.
And when you find yourself,
holding a knife to the eye of a 7-year-old girl,
to motivate her younger sister
to continue giving you head,
friend, You're in God Country.
So, God does not exist,
except as a synonym,
for Everything.
And as such,
needs no attention.
You say,
you are doing God's Work?
Well, NO SHIT, buddy!
(including all viruses and genital cancers)
Don't Drop the Rape
In America, rape is funny.
Now, not the rape of a woman, of course.
That's abhorrent, sickenly evil.
Rape of a man, however, is an amusing event enjoyed by most.
A man is sent to prison, the first thing people say about him is some remark about his "new boyfriend", or "don't drop the soap!"
Innuendos pointing to the fact that anal rape is prevalent in all U.S. prisons.
When a man is sentenced to jail, he is truly being sentenced to rape.
And Americans, who would be fundamentally mortified over the idea of a WOMAN being raped,
will all laugh and laugh, at the idea of a burglar, or drug dealer, or any other man convicted of a crime,
getting raped in a concrete cell.
And this rape, is a virgin rape.
Most men have never been entered anally.
Their first experience with being penetrated, rather than a loving, sensual connection, is a violent assault by a stranger, which leaves them bloody and scarred.
And the hypocrites laugh, joke, seem happy that these men are raped of their virginity as punishment for whatever they have had blamed on them.
Just another sign of how men are fundamentally DISrespected in this country.
An infant boy is 1 day old, he is strapped to a table, and his foreskin is clamped, peeled back, and severed with no anesthetic.
This leaves a permanent scar, both physically and emotionally.
It also removes the most sensitive nerve bundle on the male body, a bundle of pure pleasure sensors.
It uncovers the head of the penis, leaving it to dry and callous, ending up grey, wrinkled, and numb.
Once a man this boy will have an irrational fear of sexual intimacy, long-term result of circumcision trauma.
Lacking fine sensation, he will be forced to hammer away at his sexual partners, in order to stimulate his scarred and desensitized penis.
His lack of foreskin will also restrict his potential penis length.
Why all this trauma?
Simple, it's tidier-looking, and all the other boys are cut anyway, wouldn't want him getting singled out in the locker room!
Yes, perfectly sufficient cause for infant genital mutilation.
Now, in Africa the tribes traditionally circumcise their women.
Including excision of the clitoris.
And we Americans find this SICKENING!
How could they?
Forcibly cut off a piece of a child's genitals for some archaic cultural tradition?!?
What are they, savages?
Meanwhile, we do it to our boys at 1-day-old.
For fashion, and to fit in with the other scarred penises.
Let's start raping women.
We'll mix the prisons, make them co-ed.
Let the male prisoners play the same dominance game with the women,
leave them bruised, torn and bleeding against a concrete wall,
weeping and lost.
And we'll see if it's JUST as funny.
Now, not that the U.S. Constitution actually has anything but nostalgic value these days, but is there not a stipulation protecting against cruel and unusual punishment?
Well, would anal rape of a virgin qualify as cruel and unusual, you think?
I mean, you can't sentence a man to Rape. That's highly illegal.
But you can sentence him to captivity,
where the numerous guards just happen to miss the constant sexual assault taking place.
That's like saying,
You can't burn a man for stealing,
but you can sentence him to house arrest,
in a burning building.
It's immaterial whether these male victims of prison rape were "evil" or not.
What IS material is the self-deception.
The hidden double-standard.
The bare fact of the NECESSARY HYPOCRISY required to live as a member of the U.S. culture.
I say,
that if women expect equal pay,
and equal opportunity,
They must DEMAND,
Equal Prison Rape.
Come on, feminists!
It's one or the other!
Either you speak out for women AND men,
or bend over and spread it.
I mean every word.
Terrible Parable
A man called out to Heaven:
You are so grand, I truly do not deserve to live!!!
So God killed him.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Some People...
We all know a conspiracy theorist or two.
And, you know, they're harmless enough people,
they mean well, but at the same time you always get the feeling they're not quite firing on all cylinders, so-to-speak.
Some of the craziest theories I have heard are attempts to explain the events of 9/11.
As if it wasn't totally obvious what happened that day, these nuts feel the need to concoct weird and ultimately impossible theories to "explain" the events. Even though it should be obvious to even the most casual observer, what went down on that historic day.
I came across the following article, which to me perfectly debunks the current most-popular 9/11 "conspiracy" theory, the one about the Arab hijackers with the boxcutters:
Give it a read. I'm sure you'll find yourself nodding along (as I did).
And hey, I'm all for speculation. But when even your most basic assertions are either physically impossible or contradict the bare physical evidence, I feel you have to give it up and accept the truth.
Arabs with Boxcutters. Oh yeah, sounds reasonable to me!!!
Some people...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Paranoid Thought of the Day
As I am an enthusiast of "Alternative History and Current Events" (which some dismiss as "conspiracy theories"), I have many musings about the true nature of the modern world, and the events taking place therein.
At times, I get an eerie notion that a certain thing is taking place, but also recognize that these notions can be totally based on paranoid fantasy.
So, as they come to me, I will add my paranoid thoughts here, knowing that they probably aren't true, but at the same time they're at least probable, and thus worth sharing.
Plus, if I'm right, I can say, "I told you so...sorta."
In recent news, the US Government has ordered Google to release all records of web searches performed by American citizens. In a rare showing of apparent courage by a modern mega-company, Google has reportedly refused to share this info with the Gubment, leading many to breathe a sigh of relief that the Pentagon would not know how much animal porn they peruse daily.
My paranoid thought? That Google IS sharing ALL the info, and lying to the public, so that simultaneously the Public is assured they still live in a (somewhat apparently) free country, and continue to openly search, while the USGOV gets exactly what it wants(as usual).
The growing number of military and journalist deaths in Iraq is intentional, as part of a plan to deplete the natural source of such people. Once gone, they will be replaced by those more-aligned with the current US agenda.
For example, due to a "shortage" of police in the wake of Katrina, New Orleans was policed in part by private security, hired on as SWAT members.
I saw photos of these men wearing somewhat-homemade "SWAT" t-shirts featuring a logo of a skull with a dagger through it. SWAT team, skull with a dagger through it.
My basic theory being that private security tends to be more of a gun-for-hire, with less natural ideals and more passion for abuse. Anyone who ever worked in a Mall knows what I mean.
And once the journalists are "accidentally" killed (and by the way, there are currently no penalties for or even investigation into journalist deaths by Friendly Fire), or otherwise removed(my paranoid mind sees the sudden death of Peter Jennings, then the shooting of his succesor in Iraq), then they too can be replaced by those seen "more suitable" by the current US Regime.
We'll have private security meatheads in homemade Police uniforms policing the streets with guns drawn. Bought journalists parroting the Official Story verbatim. And Dissenters being found "dangerous" and herded into the already-confirmed-to-exist detention camps recently built around the U.S.
And there, are my Paranoid Thoughts, for the day.
Musings from a Muse, Amused
The Modern World is a study in self-deception.
Beings whirl around in circles, convinced they want Answers.
Then they bat away the Answers and keep spinning.
A great portion of this space will be used to address major lies of the Modern Age.
NOT because I want to expose or change anything.
But because I only speak the Truth, and this is among that.
Starting's the hardest part, so I'll grab a random handle:ABORTION
The battle rages on.
Some say abortion is murder, and want it outlawed.
Others say it's the woman's right to choose.
They battle back and forth over this issue of "Women's Rights".
And, they will battle forever, as it has NOTHING to do with the rights of anyone.
See, it has never been proven to all whether, on a level of pure biology, a fetus is an independent, living entity, or a conglomerate of cells.
If an entity, ALL abortion would be murder of a child.
If a clump of cells, then abortion is an act of intense compassion, a woman allowing her insides to be scraped and cauterized so as to avoid birthing a new soul in a compromised environment.
Funny, that what both "sides" seem to miss is that each is acting out of love, as channeled through their own belief systems.
And funnier still, that as those who believe abortion to be murder oppose it, those who believe abortion to be an excision of unwanted tissue complain about Women's Rights.
Do Women's Rights include the right to murder?
Most likely not.
If a fetus IS conscious, then abortion is murder, and neither "side" would want it.
If a fetus is a potential FOR consciousness, but not a being in itself, then abortion is an act of compassion(if only for the self), and few would oppose it.
But note here, how long this issue has been passionately argued, and divided against, and debated.
And the REAL ISSUE is never addressed.
Well, I just did. You're welcome, 3rd Dimension.
Another:The Drug/Prostitution "Problem"
In the American culture, many drugs are illegal.
Prostitution, also illegal.
You ask, Why?
And they point to the drug gangs, the addicts robbing for a fix.
They point to streetcorner whores, spreading disease and ruining families.
Oh, I forgot, drugs also supposedly ruin families.
Now, this is just the same, as disowning your child,
forcing them out onto the streets,
and when they are starved, filthy, half-insane, diseased,
you point to them and say,
"See? THAT'S why I kicked them out! They're DIRTY!"
These things are only dirty because you disown them.
You force them out into a destructive environment,
and use the fact of their destruction as justification for your condemnation.
If crystal meth, cocaine, heroin, ketamine, ecstacy, marijuana, laudanum, etc, were never criminalized, they would not be problems in "Society".
Anymore than alcohol, at least.
When alcohol was criminalized in the 1920's, moonshine became the new alcohol.
It tasted awful, was way too strong, full of impurities, and if made improperly could damage your eyes to the point of blindness.
Since sale was illegal, it became Trafficking.
Moonshine gangs popped up everywhere.
Liqour was very expensive, and one had to deal with dangerous characters to obtain it.
Violence spiked. Crime rampant.
Capone made a mint selling booze to paying American customers.
One could point to the effects of Prohibition, as justification for alcohol criminalization. Were they redundantly foolish.
However, we know that before and after Prohibition, alcohol was and is a treasured aspect of American(and Earth) culture. Available in 1000's of varieties, flavors, textures, strengths. A gloriously rich spectrum of choices, all provided by free will and a love of alcohol. Beautiful.
The moment it's criminalized, it turns to Moonshine and makes people sick,
makes violent crime skyrocket,
becomes Poison.
All the drugs I mentioned, were they made in an open market for consumer use, would be clean, pure, and cheap.
Crystal Meth is made out of common chemicals.
Mass-Produced, clean Meth should cost no more than plastic.
You could go the the (real) Drugstore, and buy a pound of Crystal for $10.
Cocaine and Heroin are both plant extracts, of hardy native plants that grow quite well on their own.
One could keep well in stock of high-grade stuff, for cheap.
Or, make their own should they choose.
At that point, the ONLY drug problem is Habituation.
And that's a personal, individual issue.
The drug "problem" is solved when cheap, high-quality drugs are available to all who need them.
No more drug gangs, no more stealing to buy drugs.
Much less sickness from drugs.
Clean heroin has zero toxicity. Major side effect is constipation.
Tea made from Coca leaves is shown to have stimulant effect comparable to Coffee, without the jitters.
MDMA and other synthetics are potentially more-harmful, but as in all things, do what you want.
The hypocrisy is that people are far more willing to criticize a Free-Baser,
than a Base-Jumper.
I mean, we ARE talking needless danger here, right?
The Oldest Profession on Earth.
(Though I assume giving directions was a close second)
A wise man said, if Selling is legal,
And Fucking is legal,
Why isn't Selling Fucking legal?
Well, look at the hookers. The Pimps. The crime, dirt, darkness.
These are NOT symptoms of Prostitution.
They are signs of Unlove.
TRUE prostitution is a win-win transaction between two willing participants.
It is not necessarily dirty, dangerous, shameful, or criminal.
It's just sex, fun with bodies.
And one pays the other to balance the equation.
Now, force it into the dark, and it will grow diseased.
But keep it in the open, and it flowers and glows.
Imagine, a young boy or girl, 13 or 14.
VERY horny, painfully horny.
We've been there. Lying serves no purpose here.
They can go to a clean, pretty, corner SexHouse,
pay $20 or so
and get an hour with a compassionate, skilled, and gentle partner,
who will help them find release, and relaxation,
Or the man, married, children.
Loves his wife.
But, she does not desire sex half as often as he.
Imagine that he could find joyful release, in a clean loving place,
without the need for deceit, emotional manipulation, shame, guilt.
No need to find a Mistress.
Or lie to the Wife(or Husband, in reverse).
Just an, "I'll be back in an hour or so, I'm gonna go have an orgasm".
Or, imagine an old man(or woman).
Their spouse passed long ago.
But they still have sexual desire, however gentle.
Imagine, that they could go to a place
filled with loving, compassionate men and women,
Who remind them they are alive, and can feel joy
by getting them off, and sending them home.
They wouldn't have to sit and fantasize fruitlessly, pointlessly
They would only need to catch the Seniors Shuttle to SexHouse.
Can you imagine, the mass of walkers lined up on the curb,
and the smiling, beaming, toothless faces.
JUST sex. JUST joy. JUST fun.
Freedom of the Soul expressed without Fear.
The dirt and shame were NEVER part of the original equation.
They are symptoms of self denial,
the dark shadows cast by selective love,
dark places that mold over with shame.
The Modern, Accepted Norm for those seeking sex:
The formation of short-term, deceitful, manipulation-based relationships, used to tie up the emotional fears of the individual in a false sense of security in order to facilitate a brief sexual combining, leading to orgasm.
Post-orgasm, this fraudulent connection (its purpose served) severs itself, and is replaced by a game of escape FROM the relationship, facilitated by lies, the goal of which is to sever ALL connection while appearing to VALUE it and want it to continue.
If a man is in a club, and buys a woman a drink without first telling her, "I'm trying to fuck you", he is living a lie.
And if a woman, drinking that drink, believes he ISN'T, she's lying too.
Games in circles, lies upon lies upon deceit upon confusion.
I can come by rubbing against a couch.
It ain't complex.
An orgasm is an exaggerated sneeze; who cares, just have fun with it.
To culminate in a cohesive Point,
I put it like this:
The only TRUE danger,
to the Grandest Potential of this Human Experience,
is Fear.
You stop Fearing,
and God pokes his head out,
and sucks you off.
Seriously, try it.
You haven't had Head,
Until you've had Godhead.
Beings whirl around in circles, convinced they want Answers.
Then they bat away the Answers and keep spinning.
A great portion of this space will be used to address major lies of the Modern Age.
NOT because I want to expose or change anything.
But because I only speak the Truth, and this is among that.
Starting's the hardest part, so I'll grab a random handle:ABORTION
The battle rages on.
Some say abortion is murder, and want it outlawed.
Others say it's the woman's right to choose.
They battle back and forth over this issue of "Women's Rights".
And, they will battle forever, as it has NOTHING to do with the rights of anyone.
See, it has never been proven to all whether, on a level of pure biology, a fetus is an independent, living entity, or a conglomerate of cells.
If an entity, ALL abortion would be murder of a child.
If a clump of cells, then abortion is an act of intense compassion, a woman allowing her insides to be scraped and cauterized so as to avoid birthing a new soul in a compromised environment.
Funny, that what both "sides" seem to miss is that each is acting out of love, as channeled through their own belief systems.
And funnier still, that as those who believe abortion to be murder oppose it, those who believe abortion to be an excision of unwanted tissue complain about Women's Rights.
Do Women's Rights include the right to murder?
Most likely not.
If a fetus IS conscious, then abortion is murder, and neither "side" would want it.
If a fetus is a potential FOR consciousness, but not a being in itself, then abortion is an act of compassion(if only for the self), and few would oppose it.
But note here, how long this issue has been passionately argued, and divided against, and debated.
And the REAL ISSUE is never addressed.
Well, I just did. You're welcome, 3rd Dimension.
Another:The Drug/Prostitution "Problem"
In the American culture, many drugs are illegal.
Prostitution, also illegal.
You ask, Why?
And they point to the drug gangs, the addicts robbing for a fix.
They point to streetcorner whores, spreading disease and ruining families.
Oh, I forgot, drugs also supposedly ruin families.
Now, this is just the same, as disowning your child,
forcing them out onto the streets,
and when they are starved, filthy, half-insane, diseased,
you point to them and say,
"See? THAT'S why I kicked them out! They're DIRTY!"
These things are only dirty because you disown them.
You force them out into a destructive environment,
and use the fact of their destruction as justification for your condemnation.
If crystal meth, cocaine, heroin, ketamine, ecstacy, marijuana, laudanum, etc, were never criminalized, they would not be problems in "Society".
Anymore than alcohol, at least.
When alcohol was criminalized in the 1920's, moonshine became the new alcohol.
It tasted awful, was way too strong, full of impurities, and if made improperly could damage your eyes to the point of blindness.
Since sale was illegal, it became Trafficking.
Moonshine gangs popped up everywhere.
Liqour was very expensive, and one had to deal with dangerous characters to obtain it.
Violence spiked. Crime rampant.
Capone made a mint selling booze to paying American customers.
One could point to the effects of Prohibition, as justification for alcohol criminalization. Were they redundantly foolish.
However, we know that before and after Prohibition, alcohol was and is a treasured aspect of American(and Earth) culture. Available in 1000's of varieties, flavors, textures, strengths. A gloriously rich spectrum of choices, all provided by free will and a love of alcohol. Beautiful.
The moment it's criminalized, it turns to Moonshine and makes people sick,
makes violent crime skyrocket,
becomes Poison.
All the drugs I mentioned, were they made in an open market for consumer use, would be clean, pure, and cheap.
Crystal Meth is made out of common chemicals.
Mass-Produced, clean Meth should cost no more than plastic.
You could go the the (real) Drugstore, and buy a pound of Crystal for $10.
Cocaine and Heroin are both plant extracts, of hardy native plants that grow quite well on their own.
One could keep well in stock of high-grade stuff, for cheap.
Or, make their own should they choose.
At that point, the ONLY drug problem is Habituation.
And that's a personal, individual issue.
The drug "problem" is solved when cheap, high-quality drugs are available to all who need them.
No more drug gangs, no more stealing to buy drugs.
Much less sickness from drugs.
Clean heroin has zero toxicity. Major side effect is constipation.
Tea made from Coca leaves is shown to have stimulant effect comparable to Coffee, without the jitters.
MDMA and other synthetics are potentially more-harmful, but as in all things, do what you want.
The hypocrisy is that people are far more willing to criticize a Free-Baser,
than a Base-Jumper.
I mean, we ARE talking needless danger here, right?
The Oldest Profession on Earth.
(Though I assume giving directions was a close second)
A wise man said, if Selling is legal,
And Fucking is legal,
Why isn't Selling Fucking legal?
Well, look at the hookers. The Pimps. The crime, dirt, darkness.
These are NOT symptoms of Prostitution.
They are signs of Unlove.
TRUE prostitution is a win-win transaction between two willing participants.
It is not necessarily dirty, dangerous, shameful, or criminal.
It's just sex, fun with bodies.
And one pays the other to balance the equation.
Now, force it into the dark, and it will grow diseased.
But keep it in the open, and it flowers and glows.
Imagine, a young boy or girl, 13 or 14.
VERY horny, painfully horny.
We've been there. Lying serves no purpose here.
They can go to a clean, pretty, corner SexHouse,
pay $20 or so
and get an hour with a compassionate, skilled, and gentle partner,
who will help them find release, and relaxation,
Or the man, married, children.
Loves his wife.
But, she does not desire sex half as often as he.
Imagine that he could find joyful release, in a clean loving place,
without the need for deceit, emotional manipulation, shame, guilt.
No need to find a Mistress.
Or lie to the Wife(or Husband, in reverse).
Just an, "I'll be back in an hour or so, I'm gonna go have an orgasm".
Or, imagine an old man(or woman).
Their spouse passed long ago.
But they still have sexual desire, however gentle.
Imagine, that they could go to a place
filled with loving, compassionate men and women,
Who remind them they are alive, and can feel joy
by getting them off, and sending them home.
They wouldn't have to sit and fantasize fruitlessly, pointlessly
They would only need to catch the Seniors Shuttle to SexHouse.
Can you imagine, the mass of walkers lined up on the curb,
and the smiling, beaming, toothless faces.
JUST sex. JUST joy. JUST fun.
Freedom of the Soul expressed without Fear.
The dirt and shame were NEVER part of the original equation.
They are symptoms of self denial,
the dark shadows cast by selective love,
dark places that mold over with shame.
The Modern, Accepted Norm for those seeking sex:
The formation of short-term, deceitful, manipulation-based relationships, used to tie up the emotional fears of the individual in a false sense of security in order to facilitate a brief sexual combining, leading to orgasm.
Post-orgasm, this fraudulent connection (its purpose served) severs itself, and is replaced by a game of escape FROM the relationship, facilitated by lies, the goal of which is to sever ALL connection while appearing to VALUE it and want it to continue.
If a man is in a club, and buys a woman a drink without first telling her, "I'm trying to fuck you", he is living a lie.
And if a woman, drinking that drink, believes he ISN'T, she's lying too.
Games in circles, lies upon lies upon deceit upon confusion.
I can come by rubbing against a couch.
It ain't complex.
An orgasm is an exaggerated sneeze; who cares, just have fun with it.
To culminate in a cohesive Point,
I put it like this:
The only TRUE danger,
to the Grandest Potential of this Human Experience,
is Fear.
You stop Fearing,
and God pokes his head out,
and sucks you off.
Seriously, try it.
You haven't had Head,
Until you've had Godhead.
Let's Start in the Middle.
First off, nothing presented herein is True. All is Perception. My own Perception.
So, you are reading my heart, soul, and mind. You are NOT reading the paper, or a textbook.
Or even a blog. This is a list of all the feelings contained within me, spilled as they erupt.
This current age is one of a Grand Unveiling. Eons of self-deception and Separation end in the Unmasking of our Grand Spirit, and I for one am looking forward to the Party. Time to dance, motherfuckers.
So, if you are here, and resonate with the energy, understand that I speak for you too, even if you have never said the words. Sit back and let me remind you, who you are.
As I remember myself.
First off, nothing presented herein is True. All is Perception. My own Perception.
So, you are reading my heart, soul, and mind. You are NOT reading the paper, or a textbook.
Or even a blog. This is a list of all the feelings contained within me, spilled as they erupt.
This current age is one of a Grand Unveiling. Eons of self-deception and Separation end in the Unmasking of our Grand Spirit, and I for one am looking forward to the Party. Time to dance, motherfuckers.
So, if you are here, and resonate with the energy, understand that I speak for you too, even if you have never said the words. Sit back and let me remind you, who you are.
As I remember myself.