Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Don't Drop the Rape

In America, rape is funny.

Now, not the rape of a woman, of course.

That's abhorrent, sickenly evil.

Rape of a man, however, is an amusing event enjoyed by most.

A man is sent to prison, the first thing people say about him is some remark about his "new boyfriend", or "don't drop the soap!"

Innuendos pointing to the fact that anal rape is prevalent in all U.S. prisons.

When a man is sentenced to jail, he is truly being sentenced to rape.

And Americans, who would be fundamentally mortified over the idea of a WOMAN being raped,

will all laugh and laugh, at the idea of a burglar, or drug dealer, or any other man convicted of a crime,

getting raped in a concrete cell.

And this rape, is a virgin rape.

Most men have never been entered anally.

Their first experience with being penetrated, rather than a loving, sensual connection, is a violent assault by a stranger, which leaves them bloody and scarred.

And the hypocrites laugh, joke, seem happy that these men are raped of their virginity as punishment for whatever they have had blamed on them.

Just another sign of how men are fundamentally DISrespected in this country.

An infant boy is 1 day old, he is strapped to a table, and his foreskin is clamped, peeled back, and severed with no anesthetic.

This leaves a permanent scar, both physically and emotionally.

It also removes the most sensitive nerve bundle on the male body, a bundle of pure pleasure sensors.

It uncovers the head of the penis, leaving it to dry and callous, ending up grey, wrinkled, and numb.

Once a man this boy will have an irrational fear of sexual intimacy, long-term result of circumcision trauma.

Lacking fine sensation, he will be forced to hammer away at his sexual partners, in order to stimulate his scarred and desensitized penis.

His lack of foreskin will also restrict his potential penis length.

Why all this trauma?

Simple, it's tidier-looking, and all the other boys are cut anyway, wouldn't want him getting singled out in the locker room!

Yes, perfectly sufficient cause for infant genital mutilation.

Now, in Africa the tribes traditionally circumcise their women.

Including excision of the clitoris.

And we Americans find this SICKENING!

How could they?

Forcibly cut off a piece of a child's genitals for some archaic cultural tradition?!?

What are they, savages?

Meanwhile, we do it to our boys at 1-day-old.

For fashion, and to fit in with the other scarred penises.

Let's start raping women.

We'll mix the prisons, make them co-ed.

Let the male prisoners play the same dominance game with the women,

leave them bruised, torn and bleeding against a concrete wall,

weeping and lost.

And we'll see if it's JUST as funny.

Now, not that the U.S. Constitution actually has anything but nostalgic value these days, but is there not a stipulation protecting against cruel and unusual punishment?

Well, would anal rape of a virgin qualify as cruel and unusual, you think?

I mean, you can't sentence a man to Rape. That's highly illegal.

But you can sentence him to captivity,

where the numerous guards just happen to miss the constant sexual assault taking place.

That's like saying,

You can't burn a man for stealing,

but you can sentence him to house arrest,

in a burning building.

It's immaterial whether these male victims of prison rape were "evil" or not.

What IS material is the self-deception.

The hidden double-standard.

The bare fact of the NECESSARY HYPOCRISY required to live as a member of the U.S. culture.

I say,

that if women expect equal pay,

and equal opportunity,

They must DEMAND,

Equal Prison Rape.

Come on, feminists!

It's one or the other!

Either you speak out for women AND men,

or bend over and spread it.

I mean every word.



Blogger Mirri Rocks said...

Yes randy! Love your writing!! I remember when i was 10 I saw something on tv about man raped in prison and I asked my mother: why do they allow that? my mother: Cause we all agree that it's oke. no-one stands up, prisonors are second hand people according to some.

The world is a crazy place, almost insane ;-)


1:14 AM  

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