Friday, February 02, 2007


There’s something you’ve always wanted to do.

And you don’t do it.

Some way you’ve always wanted to feel.

And you’ve never felt it.

Someone you want to be.

That you never are.

Dreams, desires, wishes, passions,
All laying dead in the dust.

Never used.

We come into this life filled with passion, desire, hope and excitement.

This unbridled flow fills our young bodies with light and sensation.

We have endless energy, heal instantly, always smile, always want to dance and play.

We have optimism around everything we see (which causes adults to label us as Young-Minded). We truly believe that what we desire, shall belong to us.

And then.

A wall of limits slams into us. We are drowned in a sea of unanswered prayers. All that we know that we are and all that we feel that we can be, is lost in the flood of grey hopelessness, the sign of our giving up our desires in order to “be realistic”.

We shut down. We shrink. We harden, and darken. This, we call “Growing Up”.

Our bodies start to stiffen and weaken. We become tired. We age, we get sick, we get hurt and heal oh so slowly. We think back to the golden light of our childhood, and chuckle at our foolish dreams of happiness and fulfillment. Child’s dreams.

In gaining our adulthood, we turn our backs on everything that made us golden, made us beautiful. We accept the lie that we can’t have everything we want, we embed this poisoned program into our hearts, and let our life cease growing, but rather go to seed and decay. And we feel satisfied, that we are no longer trying to live out some fantasy, but rather are now in the “Real World”.


The “Real World” is a massive hallucination, created when millions of conscious beings all align their hearts with a false Truth. The flow through our hearts projects the poison program as a 3D illusion, one which surrounds and encases us. A dingy, gray cloak of limitation and lost hope, secured to us by the acceptance that we were being Unrealistic, to actually believe that we were on Earth to have joy and freedom, to express our golden truths, to bathe in the glow of the radiance of perfection that we all carry within us.

And because everyone is telling the same lie with each breath, the Lie becomes the Truth that surrounds us. We accept it AS our reality. And so, when the child comes to us, with the beaming clear eyes and the springy soft body, we explain to this young soul that endless hope is unrealistic, that you can’t always get what you want, that suffering builds character and that hard work is the answer to any problem.

The child walks away, confused, its energy dimming, its heart closing. In a few years, that child will be perfect for the Real World. Hard worker, committed to its job, real reliable and trustworthy. A Good Citizen.

We have helped this child kill itself, and worse it doesn’t know it’s dead, and keeps walking.

Our offices are staffed with the walking dead.

A cubicle is just a casket with Internet access.

And our culture is a fungus.

Hey! How about this?

When a child shows you their light,

Let it illuminate YOU!

When someone’s joy seems unrealistic,

accept that you are the Walking Dead.

That feeling you came in with, no matter how early on it was extinguished,
Stills lies at the center of you.

It is the small glow
That waits to be fanned into flame
By your breath.

It sits within you,
Waiting to be allowed out to play.
And when you finally set it free,
It will know instantly the lie you have lived,
The joy you have sold to a system that has no use for it.

And it will tell you, that it knew the WHOLE TIME that you were just afraid.

Afraid to live what you ARE.

Afraid to be what you ARE.
Afraid, simply afraid,
That you are so grand and beautiful,
That once they get a look at you,
They’ll tear you to pieces.

Because the Walking Dead know they sold their souls.
It hurts them to remember.
And when they see your golden soul unfurled and radiating,
They are forced to feel.
And what they feel is worse than pain;
It’s the space where pain would be,
If they still knew how to feel.

You are ready. It is time.


So, what will it be?

The Walking Dead?

Or the Dance of Life?




Blogger Kelly Martin said...

Wow Randy! loved what you wrote (shining4 from crimson circle btw).

Good timing for your post too! will read more later.

Kelly x

2:43 PM  

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