Thursday, November 09, 2006

Shallow for a change


Normally I task myself with creating something profound(-ish) here, keeping my more shallow thoughts and assertions to myself and whomever I happen to be smoking weed with.

But this just won't go away.

See, Kirstie Alley is now a spokesperson for Weight Watchers.

She is shown in a number of commercials now,
displaying her newly-slenderish physique
as photo proof that this Weight Watchers thing
actually works.



There, I said it. In the commercials, CGI has been used to add a shadow which outlines her chin. That is, CREATES for her a chin.

Without the digital shadow, she would look like a talking thumb.

If you doubt, check out the next commercial you see. Digital chin in effect.

Now, it is not so that this is AT ALL my first experience with deceptive advertising practices.

I am not even bothered by this merely "on principle".

No. What I see, is a woman on TV, flaunting her reduced figure as THE selling point for some system of prepackaged meals. And her chin is a special effect. AND NO ONE SEEMS TO NOTICE!!!

This makes me freeze in wonder. That I live among these people, who do not see what they look at, and in other places see what was never there.

And they ALL voted yesterday.

Me, I cast but one vote yesterday. Not by ballot, but by action.

I voted "Hell Yes" on smoking a fat bowl.

And guess what? I made sure my vote was counted (by me).

Perhaps they'll count yours at some point, too.

Remember folks, if they REALLY wanted us ALL to vote,
they'd do it on a Saturday.



Blogger cat's momma said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....the whole thing is just hilarious! And of course the Truth can be funny.

1:42 PM  

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