Everbody Loves Jesus!
Currently working a temp job with the Rescue Mission, a Christian organization that aids the homeless and other needy types.
In charge of the October Safety Newsletter. Considering a Halloween motif for the layout. Concerned with Halloween's pagan connotations and their potential to offend Christians.
So, I ask an employee here whether a Halloween theme would be offensive to the Christians involved with the Rescue Mission. I explain that I ask because I am not Christian, and so have no basis of reference. Her response?
"Well, 'Christian' just means that you believe in God."
Really. I had to engage numerous office-related body language subroutines to keep my face from fully displaying my bemused incredulousness.
I had no idea, that apparently most Earth religions are in fact Christian. Islam? Christian. Jews? Surprise, Christian. Bet they wish they knew back in '39, that they were on the same team as Adolf...would've saved the long commute to Auschwitz.
Whooda thunkit? That anyone with a belief in some form of cosmic, divine consciousness that links all things, is Christian. That's some crafty semantics, if you ask me.
One again, Christians, you got it all worked out.
Oh, and it was decided that an "Autumnal" theme would be just fine.
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