Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dark Matters

So much controversy over the word Nigger.

White people can't say it.

Black people can't stop saying it.

I say, the only people who SHOULD still be saying Nigger, are white people.

After all, white people INVENTED the word Nigger; it's a part of their cultural heritage.

And as Nigger is such an integral and defining aspect of White culture, I for one don't like to see black people co-opting it, just so they can look cool.

And black people started using it to disempower it.

Hm, how's that working out?

And since the word Nigger was used to label a fictitious, racist concept of some type of sub-human race perceived by the bigoted Whites, it can only be used as an insult. So, why are black people going around insulting each other? How is recycling this abuse-loaded word back into popular language, supposed to help heal the abuse?

I see, in the future, black culture adopting more and more remnants of slavery as a means to disempower it.

I see a new belt accesory, the lime green suede slavemaster's whip (also available in plum).

I see gold-plated, platinum-inlaid slave collars, complete with iPod.

Perhaps, even, the return of shucking and/or jiving.

If you ask ME, the best way to let the past go,

is to let the past GO.

Or, you know, keep dragging it around with you. Whichever.